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1 - Goro's Dream - Daddy's Dream (吾郎の夢、おとさんの夢)
Goro's Dream - Daddy's Dream
2 - Their Friendship (二つの友情)
Their Friendship
3 - I Hate You, Daddy (おとさんなんてキライだ!)
I Hate You, Daddy
4 - A Birthday A Day Late (一日遅れの誕生日)
A Birthday A Day Late
5 - The Man From The Majors (メジャーの男)
The Man From The Majors
6 - Farewell... (さよなら…)
7 - Goro Honda, Age Nine (本田吾郎、9歳!)
Goro Honda, Age Nine
8 - Team complete! (チーム結成!)
Team complete!
9 - Alone on the Mound (一人ぼっちのマウンド)
Alone on the Mound
10 - Showdown in the Rain (雨の熱戦)
Showdown in the Rain
11 - The Team Dad Played On (おとさんのいたチーム)
The Team Dad Played On
12 - Invitation from Gibson (ギブソンからの招待状)
Invitation from Gibson
13 - Summer, Baseball and Training camp (夏だ、野球だ、合宿だ!)
Summer, Baseball and Training camp
14 - Reckless Practice Game (無謀な練習試合)
Reckless Practice Game
15 - Desire of Supervision (監督の思い)
Desire of Supervision
16 - I Quit! (ヤメタ!)
I Quit!
17 - Tournament Start! (大会スタート!)
Tournament Start!
18 - Aim for victory! (目指せ、初勝利!)
Aim for victory!
19 - Mother's Happiness (かーさんの幸)
Mother's Happiness
20 - Goro's mistake!? (吾郎降板!?)
Goro's mistake!?
21 - This is baseball! (これが野球!)
This is baseball!
22 - The night before the match (決戦前夜)
The night before the match
23 - No Intention of Losing! (負ける気ナシ!)
No Intention of Losing!
24 - Chase it! Overcome it! (追いつけ! 追い越せ!)
Chase it! Overcome it!
25 - Everyone together (みんなで一緒に)
Everyone together
26 - I Won't Say Goodbye (さよならは言わない)
I Won't Say Goodbye
Major - saison 1 © 2004 MITSUDA Takuya / Studio Hibari, NHK

26 résultats (De 1 à 26)
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