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1 - Resort-Style Angel Preparation (リゾート風幸運包みエンジェル仕立て)
Resort-Style Angel Preparation
2 - Gamble Millefeuille Sauce (ギャンブルポワレミルフィーユソース)
Gamble Millefeuille Sauce
3 - Vanilla Flavored Asteroid Trash Stir-Fry (アステロイドの拾い物炒めヴァニラ風味)
Vanilla Flavored Asteroid Trash Stir-Fry
4 - Assorted Angel Fruits Shipped Direct (産地直送エンジェルの盛り合わせ)
Assorted Angel Fruits Shipped Direct
5 - Pirate-Style School Memory Terrine (廃校のテリーヌ思い出仕込み海賊風)
Pirate-Style School Memory Terrine
6 - Forte's Ruinous Stew and a Dash of trouble (フォルテの遺跡煮込みトラブル漬け)
Forte's Ruinous Stew and a Dash of trouble
7 - Fun Park Specialties with Chicken Mint Compote (遊園地名物にわとりコンポートミント添え)
Fun Park Specialties with Chicken Mint Compote
8 - Natural Milfeulles's investigation sweet pour (天然ミルフィーユの査察あんかけ)
Natural Milfeulles's investigation sweet pour
9 - Lost Technology and Roast Beaf (ロストテクノロジーのローストビーフ)
Lost Technology and Roast Beaf
10 - Dragon wraps of love, rouge flavoured (恋の小龍包ルージュ風味)
Dragon wraps of love, rouge flavoured
11 - Gauze-Wrapped Scattered Bullet Sushi (包帯巻き銃弾散らし寿司)
Gauze-Wrapped Scattered Bullet Sushi
12 - Baseball and Negligee Glace (ベースボールとネグリジェのグラッセ)
Baseball and Negligee Glace
13 - The Great Kidnapping Scheme (大誘拐満漢全席)
The Great Kidnapping Scheme
14 - Downtown Soulfood Oden
Downtown Soulfood Oden
15 - Pot-au-Feu of Lost Things (落としモノぽとふ)
Pot-au-Feu of Lost Things
16 - Grilled Cased Girl (グリル・ド・箱入りムスメ)
Grilled Cased Girl
17 - Canned Angel with Noodles (エンジェル缶詰ほうとう付き)
Canned Angel with Noodles
18 - Monkey Salvage Combo (サルのサルベージコンボ)
Monkey Salvage Combo
19 - Angel Kiss Gateau de Milfeulle (エンジェルキッス・ガトー・デ・ミルフィーユ)
Angel Kiss Gateau de Milfeulle
20 - Special Helping of Survival Food (特盛サバイバル定食)
Special Helping of Survival Food
21 - Deco Pizza (デコピザ)
Deco Pizza
22 - Mascot Girl Special Secret Baked Wrap (看板娘特製秘密の包み焼き)
Mascot Girl Special Secret Baked Wrap
23 - Black bowl of Laughing Pepper (闇鍋お笑いペッパー)
Black bowl of Laughing Pepper
24 - Super Sized Tear flavoured Bowl of Rice with Missile on Top (激盛ミサイル丼もっこり涙味)
Super Sized Tear flavoured Bowl of Rice with Missile on Top
25 - Fallen Angel's Dark Universe Tea Rice (堕天使の暗黒宇宙茶漬け)
Fallen Angel's Dark Universe Tea Rice
26 - I'd like 5 Sukiake Lunches (スキヤキ弁当五人前)
I'd like 5 Sukiake Lunches
Galaxy Angel © 2001 Studio Broccoli / Madhouse Production, Broccoli, Bandai Visual

26 résultats (De 1 à 26)
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