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1 - Every Beginning is Heavy/Who is Who- (出た!! ドラえもん / ペコペコバッタ大騒動)
Every Beginning is Heavy/Who is Who-
2 - The New One/Three Schuelerinen for Majorca (屋根の上のすてきな子 / のび太のご先祖さん)
The New One/Three Schuelerinen for Majorca
3 - The Opening/The Luegenbaronin (キューピットですきすき作戦 / 弱味をにぎれ)
The Opening/The Luegenbaronin
4 - The Hour of the Truth/Dodo (ねずみに弱いねこもある / ガキ大将をやっつけろ)
The Hour of the Truth/Dodo
5 - Dodos Trip/An Old Relatives (おせじ鏡 / パパとママの結婚記念日)
Dodos Trip/An Old Relatives
6 - Saves the Flowers!/Once with It Its (のろいカメラ / 宝くじ大当たり作戦)
Saves the Flowers!/Once with It Its
7 - The Respected Degrees/Invasion of the Bad Frogs (決闘! のび太とジャイアン / わたしは誰でしょう)
The Respected Degrees/Invasion of the Bad Frogs
8 - Majorcas Inadvertent Trip/Petri Welfare (アベコンベ騒動 / おばけ屋敷の謎)
Majorcas Inadvertent Trip/Petri Welfare
9 - Quiet Secret/Forbidden Charm (クイック・スロー大作戦 / のび太は雨男)
Quiet Secret/Forbidden Charm
10 - The Entfuehrung/New Beginning (ウルトラミキサー / ねがい星流れ星)
The Entfuehrung/New Beginning
11 - Dangerous Gluecksbringer/Over the Ear Gehauen (ふしぎなふろしき / のび太のおばあちゃん)
Dangerous Gluecksbringer/Over the Ear Gehauen
12 - A Hard Test/Fight for the Magic Shop (大リーグの赤バット / 男は力で勝負する)
A Hard Test/Fight for the Magic Shop
13 - Call Never the Spirit to the Joke/Attendance with the Queen (ガチャ子登場 / おしゃべりくちべに)
Call Never the Spirit to the Joke/Attendance with the Queen
14 - Daddy Oh Day/Holidays Love (すきすきカメラ / 天の川でデイトしよう)
Daddy Oh Day/Holidays Love
15 - The TAP Is Away!/Grandfather Appears (へんなロボットカー / ニコニコせっけん)
The TAP Is Away!/Grandfather Appears
16 - A Gift for Tamira/Rike against Masuharu (おれ署長のだいり / さあ夏だ! スキーをやろう)
A Gift for Tamira/Rike against Masuharu
17 - Run Doremi, Run/Sophies Nut-Mother (成績表はいやだなあ / 自分のかげをつかまえろ)
Run Doremi, Run/Sophies Nut-Mother
18 - Who Is Nicole Segawa/Examination with Obstacles (潜水艦で海へ行こう / くるった腹時計)
Who Is Nicole Segawa/Examination with Obstacles
19 - Attendance from the Witch World/A Monster for Ryuta (キャンプ騒動 / 忘れな草って何だっけ)
Attendance from the Witch World/A Monster for Ryuta
20 - Butterflies in the Belly/Weil`S Tastes So Good! (クーラーパラソル / いつでも日記)
Butterflies in the Belly/Weil`S Tastes So Good!
21 - Lost Talent/Controversy over Nicole (宿題おばけが出た / お天気ボックス)
Lost Talent/Controversy over Nicole
22 - Fireworks and Tears/Ring Freely! (ぼくに清き一票を / まんが家修業)
Fireworks and Tears/Ring Freely!
23 - Santa Claus in Emergencies/There the Witches Are Astonished (すてきなガールフレンド / 花いっぱい騒動)
Santa Claus in Emergencies/There the Witches Are Astonished
24 - Daddy`s Rendezvous/Wrong Hope (そっくりクレヨン / 静香の誕生日)
Daddy`s Rendezvous/Wrong Hope
25 - Seeing Again/The Witch Examination (宇宙飛行士になりたい / まいごマゴマゴ大騒動)
Seeing Again/The Witch Examination
26 - Heavy Decision (ネンドロン大騒動 / さようならドラえもん)
Heavy Decision
Doraemon - 1973 © 1973 FUJIMOTO Hiroshi [Fujiko F. Fujio], ABIKO Motoo [FUJIO Fujiko (A)] / TMS Entertainment Co.,Ltd.

26 résultats (De 1 à 26)
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